Recruit the employees you need without being limited or having to pay more if you exceed a certain number of recruits.
Notifications are sent to manager at certificate expiration and time to service
Peace of mind that deadlines are met
Overview of e.g. your car bank

Equipment handling
Some equipment requires certificates to be renewed and serviced at a certain time in order to be used for operations, management of such equipment can be done in 2people.
A responsible department can be assigned to the equipment and notifications can be sent out to the responsible parties when certificates expire or when it's time for service - this gives you peace of mind that deadlines are met.
In the module you can, for example, manage your fleet - which department controls which cars and thus control who has access to information about which cars.
Set service times for each car, create damage information with e.g. photo documentation. Who has had the car and a full overview of which cars have been lent to which employees and which are available and can be lent.
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